Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bees and Vegans

I thought I'd touch on the subject of bees and vegans, or me in peticular. The reason why i became a vegan is because  first i am lactose intolerant and eggs cause some digestive problems, so eating either dairy or eggs wern't a fun experience for me. I was like since i don't eat meat in the first place, why not just cut it all out? So I was like I am going to challenge myself not to eat dairy, eggs, meat (wasn't really a challenge) and chocolate (oh i can't have chocolate because i am also allergic to it. I can eat carob though. It has to do with the fat content. It makes me have super super bad acne). So I didn't really set how many days i would do this for just to see how long i could last. So far i haven't eaten any dairy, eggs, meat or chocolate. I also don't like eating dairy or eggs because of the ways that they treat the animals making our dairy and eggs. It's really cruel and i don't htink that we should be encouraging? not really the right word, but fudning that business with our money jut to have animals abused. There are so many articles out there about the cruelty to animals when in the slaughter or dairy houses and it's really terrible. With honey, I like to buy local honey because i know where it came from and i don't have to worry about any big plants cranking it out by the thousands of pounds. It just gives me a better feeling to be getting it local and i think it might be cheaper or the same. So that's why i still eat honey and i do believe that honey does have medicinal properties that other syrups don't have like brown rice, maple or agave. I thought I'd put this out here since the previous post had a cough suppressant made with honey and lemon.

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